Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes

Bible On Broadway: Ragtime

September is a special month of worship services as we use the music and storytelling of Broadway to grow in our faith. You will see a few set changes, some costumes and special musical performances. We hope you enjoy these fun and unique services. This week’s musical is “Ragtime.”

Bible On Broadway: Ragtime
Rev. Cathy Sweeney

September is a special month of worship services as we use the music and storytelling of Broadway to grow in our faith. You will see a few set changes, some costumes and special musical performances. We hope you enjoy these fun and unique services. This week’s musical is “Ragtime.”

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Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes

Observations on the Road to Emmaus

We are exploring scriptures that take place on the road and what is consistent is that Jesus meets people on the road, while they are on the way, he doesn’t wait for them to get to their destination, doesn’t wait for them to get themselves together, he meets people right where they are, he meets you and me right where we are.

This is the third week of our series “For the Road.” 

We are exploring scriptures that take place on the road and what is consistent is that Jesus meets people on the road, while they are on the way, he doesn’t wait for them to get to their destination, doesn’t wait for them to get themselves together, he meets people right where they are, he meets you and me right where we are—Right in the middle of whatever we are feeling, whatever pain, frustration, sadness, disappointment, grief we are experiencing—Jesus shows up…just not in the way we might expect him to.

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Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes

Deliverance and Redemption Today

Jesus meets you on whatever road you are on in your life to give you the grace you need so you can head in the direction of his kingdom. It’s like the phrase you have hopefully heard recently: no justice, no peace. That’s it. You can’t get to peace without justice. You need justice today so you can head in the direction of peace tomorrow.

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Deliverance and Redemption Today
Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White

Jesus meets you on whatever road you are on in your life to give you the grace you need so you can head in the direction of his kingdom. It’s like the phrase you have hopefully heard recently: no justice, no peace. That’s it. You can’t get to peace without justice. You need justice today so you can head in the direction of peace tomorrow.

You need deliverance and redemption today and God wants to give it to you today. So today is the day for you to open your eyes and see what God is doing.

What we are seeing on the streets of America and indeed throughout the world is people of all races and demographics coming together to protest, to call out, to demand deliverance from the choke-hold of systemic racism in our country and redemption from the evil of white supremacy that has embedded itself in our society—today—this is kingdom work.

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Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes

Listen, Learn, Lament, Leverage

It is obviously not enough for white people to be pleading from the sidelines against racism in our country, we have to be actively working to stop it, to end the systemic structures that are oppressing and killing our black brothers and sisters. If we are not actively opposing racism, we are a part of the problem. 

Listen, Learn, Lament, Leverage

Listen, Learn, Lament, Leverage
Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White

It is obviously not enough for white people to be pleading from the sidelines against racism in our country, we have to be actively working to stop it, to end the systemic structures that are oppressing and killing our black brothers and sisters. If we are not actively opposing racism, we are a part of the problem. 

If the church is not actively opposing racism, if the church is not actively working to break down systems that divide and oppress, the church is part of the problem.

That is what the scripture today is really about, at the heart of it is this question: will the church stand up against established systems that have long denied rights and perpetuated the power and control of one group over another or will the church simply align with the powers that be and reinforce systemic injustice?

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