The AUMC Justice Team
The United Methodist Church has a long history of concern for social justice. John Wesley and the early Methodists expressed their opposition to societal ills such as slavery, smuggling, inhumane prison conditions, alcohol abuse, and child labor. We believe every person is created in the image of God and therefore is inherently worthy of dignity, care, and respect. We believe it is our responsibility to act on our faith, to be doers as well as believers, to love our neighbor as ourselves.
These are areas you could be involved with the ongoing justice work supported by AUMC:
JOURNEY TOWARD RACIAL JUSTICE - J2RJ meets monthly for lunch and programming, and focuses on understanding and learning more about our call to end racism in all forms. The group meets in Room 40 at 12:15 pm on the third Sunday of the month (except in September).
REFUGEE MINISTRY - In partnership with Church World Services, Arapaho UMC provides new and gently used furniture and household items to newly established refugee families. We work with the caseworker to help get the families enrolled in community services that help them thrive in their new environment.
AUSTIN STREET CENTER - Quarterly, the people of Arapaho UMC prepare and serve breakfast and lunch items for our unhoused neighbors at Austin Street Center in downtown Dallas.
JUSTICE FOR OUR NEIGHBORS (JFON) - JFON offers free and affordable, high-quality immigration legal services, provides education to the public, and engages in advocacy with and for our immigrant neighbors.
CARE PORTAL - CarePortal is a platform that allows CPS caseworkers to request needs for families who are at risk of separation. Examples include providing bedroom furniture, bedding, clothes, child safety supplies like car seats, and much more.
PLANO OVERNIGHT WARMING STATION (POWS) - POWS is a program that provides shelter for our unhoused neighbors on cold winter nights. Volunteers assist with transportation, meals, registration, set up, tear down, medical needs, clothing closet, and showers.
NETWORK OF COMMUNITY MINISTRIES - Network serves individuals and families who live within RISD zip code areas, and has a mission to care, coach, and empower neighbors in need as they seek an improved quality of life.
OPEN MESA AT LA MIRADA - AUMC volunteers assist with monthly meals, programming, school supplies, and gifts at Christmas Time for the community living in the La Mirada Apartment complex.
Do you want to get involved with one of these ministries? Contact Pastor Cathy Sweeney: cathy@arapahoumc.org.