Encountering The Spirit (Week 4)

Encountering The Spirit (Week 4)
Rev. Scott Gilliland

Welcome to Arapaho United Methodist Church, a Christ-centered community called to the work of social justice in Richardson, Texas. We are happy you joined us for online worship.

Hopelessness can be a tough place to be. This week in AUMC's series, Encountering The Spirit, Pastor Scott looks at the Holy Spirit as water from the story of Noah. By Genesis Chapter 6, the Lord has grown hopeless at the wickedness of creation and regretted ever having made human beings. Yet this account so early in scripture establishes a theology of redemption - the promise that God will never again lose hope in humanity.

God's grace is redemptive. It refuses to take 'no' for an answer. As followers of Christ, learn to plant these seeds of redemption, through grace, in the face of any tragedy. For, from it comes hope.


Encountering The Spirit (Week 5)


Encountering The Spirit (Week 3)