Encountering The Spirit (Week 3)

Encountering The Spirit (Week 3)
Rev. Scott Gilliland

Welcome to Arapaho United Methodist Church, a Christ-centered community called to the work of social justice in Richardson, Texas. We are happy you joined us for online worship.

What does it mean to be idolatrous?  You know all the obvious answers, but maybe it's not as evident as it appears.  Today, Pastor Scott examines the stories of Exodus in light of what we know today, post-Pentecost, about what it means to tabernacle with God.  The Spirit can not be contained – not in a tabernacle, or an Ark, behind the Temple's veil, a stone sepulcher, or the four walls of a church.  Hear what the Spirit has to say to you today, for in you is where God's Spirit resides.


Encountering The Spirit (Week 4)


Encountering The Spirit (Week 2)