Aaron Manes Aaron Manes


Arapaho UMC

A journey often includes new and exciting adventures. It may include traveling to other places, and it is an opportunity for a fresh start.  Journeys usually require planning and begin with a first step – sometimes not a physical step but a step of faith that occurs when we overcome what may be stopping us from moving on in our journey.

Where are you on your faith journey? In our community, we have individuals just starting their journey. We encounter those who have reached a fork in the road and are trying to understand where their faith journey is leading them. Our community is filled with people who have embarked on a journey to read and study the BIble. Some of us are connecting our faith journey with specific calls to community, such as learning more about racial justice, immigration, or how we can help those who live in poverty.

Wherever we find ourselves in our personal faith journey, hearing stories of others’ faith journeys brings us closer to each other, encourages us to ask questions, and demonstrates that we are not alone in our journey. Today, we hear from three individuals and how their faith journey has led them to Arapaho UMC.

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