Podcast, Sermons, Lent Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons, Lent Aaron Manes

Jesus Never Said "Everything Happens For A Reason"

We are given responsibility, we have the ability to respond to God’s invitation, to God’s commandments, but we can refuse, we can choose not to care for the earth and when we do that, well the earth will suffer…but God doesn’t just create us and give us dominion and leave us alone…

God tries to help us and influence us to do the right thing and make the right decisions: God gave us a conscious, and a brain, God gave us commandments and prophets to guide us

Jesus Never Said: "Everything Happens For A Reason"
Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White

We are given responsibility, we have the ability to respond to God’s invitation, to God’s commandments, but we can refuse, we can choose not to care for the earth and when we do that, well the earth will suffer…but God doesn’t just create us and give us dominion and leave us alone…

God tries to help us and influence us to do the right thing and make the right decisions: God gave us a conscious, and a brain, God gave us commandments and prophets to guide us…

God came in Jesus to show us what it means to be human, to show us how to live selflessly and generously, and then God gave us the Spirit to be with us, to counsel us and nudge us in the right direction…yes God never gives up on helping us to make the right decisions but we still make the decisions.

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