Sermons, Podcast, Ordinary Time Aaron Manes Sermons, Podcast, Ordinary Time Aaron Manes

Dare To Dream

Everybody has the power of God within them and everybody can be a way through which God’s dreams are shared, everybody can be a way through which God’s dreams come true. Do you follow me: I’m talking about you and I’m telling you to dream dreams. You are a way through which God’s dreams are shared, you are a way through which God’s dreams come true. 

Dare To Dream
Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White

Everybody has the power of God within them and everybody can be a way through which God’s dreams are shared, everybody can be a way through which God’s dreams come true. Do you follow me: I’m talking about you and I’m telling you to dream dreams. You are a way through which God’s dreams are shared, you are a way through which God’s dreams come true. 

Do not let the state of our world prevent you from dreaming…do not let the negativity and the division and the tribalism and the racism and the poverty and the climate crisis cause you to throw your hands up and go, it is what it is…what can I do?

 No! No, this is not the way it is supposed to be and we are the ones whom God has called to remind people of God’s dreams and to challenge people to act in ways that are consistent with those dreams—

 To call people out who are causing harm and preventing God’s dreams from becoming a reality, we are the ones to keep dreaming dreams, so what are your dreams today, church?

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