Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes

A 5C Church: Committed

God doesn’t just call the equipped, God equips the called. God gives you what you need: God gives you the time and resources and people and money and everything…

A 5C Church: Committed
Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White

God doesn’t just call the equipped, God equips the called. God gives you what you need: God gives you the time and resources and people and money and everything—but you do have to manage it, that’s how it works, God doesn’t micromanage, God says: you manage it.

That’s the last part of the scripture today, Jesus says: if you are going to build a tower, you have to map it out and think through what it is going to take to finish it—you need a plan, this is very practical, you have to get organized and set your intentions so you can use the resources you have been given well, so you can fulfill your purpose.  

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Sermons, Ordinary Time Aaron Manes Sermons, Ordinary Time Aaron Manes

Becoming Deeply Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ

I wonder if we pulled out our calendars right now and looked at this past week or this past month, or if we were to keep a running log of the hours in the day and what we did in each hour, it would be a good insight into our devotion...

Now if you have a group of people like those members of the early church whose calendars are for the most part synched, who all live in the same rhythm of life, who all give their time and energy to the same things, oh my the power of that!  

Becoming Deeply Devoted Disciples of Jesus Christ

Becoming Deeply Devoted Disciples Of Jesus Christ
Arapaho UMC: Blair Thompson-White

I wonder if we pulled out our calendars right now and looked at this past week or this past month, or if we were to keep a running log of the hours in the day and what we did in each hour, it would be a good insight into our devotion...

Now if you have a group of people like those members of the early church whose calendars are for the most part synched, who all live in the same rhythm of life, who all give their time and energy to the same things, oh my the power of that!  

Sermon Notes:

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