Encountering The Spirit (Week 1)

Encountering The Spirit (Week 1)
Rev. Scott Gilliland

Last week was the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to the church.  In this new sermon series, let us look at how the Spirit has been manifest in us throughout the Old Testament as well.  Today, let's examine the second creation story.

"The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Gen 2:7

This breath of life, this Spirit is our divine spark, our divine DNA.  Later in the story, this new divine being is invited to co-create with God by giving names to everything God made.

We watched in horror as the breath of life was taken from George Floyd a year ago this week.  So as you breathe in God, ask, "What is mine to do?"  “How can I co-create with You?” And just as the Lord God created a partner, bone of his bone, seek out and share the air with those who see and love you the same way God does.  Breathe.  Amen.


Encountering The Spirit (Week 2)


Pentecost Sunday: Resurrecting Faith (Week 7)