Jesus Never Said: "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"

Jesus Never Said "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"
Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White

God helps those who can’t help themselves…through people. There will be a time, and you may have already experienced this, in which you are the one who needs help. In which you cannot do it yourself: you cannot fix or save yourself, you cannot help yourself, you cannot will yourself out of your situation. God will send someone, something, to help you. A beautiful sunrise. A letter from a friend. 

A second wind to help you keep going. A good therapist. I have one, I know. A church family to bring you meals or to leave groceries or medicine at your door; let us know if you need anything, we are here for you. This is called grace. And there is nothing you do to earn it, nothing you do to deserve it…it is God’s willingness to help you when you can’t help yourself.


Jesus Never Said "God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It"


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