Braving The Wilderness: God Chooses You... And Everyone Else!

God Chooses You... And Everyone Else
Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White

God is the initiator, God reaches out, God wants the relationship, there are no prerequisites Jacob must meet in order to have this divine encounter. The term we use for this is prevenient grace, it’s this idea that grace comes first, that God chooses you before you choose God. 

I want you to know that God chooses you. God sees you as unique, special, precious—God looks at you and sees you, God sees your inherit, eternal value…

Yes God chooses you and when you are in the wilderness, when you find yourself in places of uncertainty and vulnerability, God reminds you that you are chosen and chooses to be with you and to reveal to you the truth about you that you have purpose, that you are a part of God’s purposes.


Braving The Wilderness: The Easy Way Or The Hard Way


Braving The Wilderness: Becoming A Good Shepherd Society